YouGoody: research in Italy


Let’s feed on common sense is not only the name of this blog, but also the summary of our aims to offer consumers information for informed food choices. However, by professional choice, we focus on research and verification of sources in the poultry sector.

Among our in-depth research, we came across an interesting study on eating habits. It is called YouGoody and is a study promoted by the Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, which directly involves Italian citizens and aims to involve at least 100,000 Italian volunteers, whose eating habits, lifestyle and state of health they will describe. People born abroad can also participate if they live in Italy.

In their in-depth reports, we also encountered some emphases on eggs as a foodstuff, which we gladly reproduce in the pictures at the bottom of this article.

We would also like to take this opportunity to describe this project that we really like and in which we believe it is worth participating. It is free, simple and interesting.

Why is it important to participate?

YouGoody is a ‘prospective cohort study‘ (Cohort study – Wikipedia), a very powerful and reliable tool for identifying risk factors for chronic degenerative diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. This type of study does not require people to change their lifestyle, but simply to describe what they do in their daily lives.

This is an opportunity to take a snapshot of new eating habits linked to the availability of new foods, the data for which were stuck in the 1990s.

This study, promoted by the Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano and whose ‘principal investigator (PI)’ is Dr. Sabina Sieri, head of the Complex Structure of Epidemiology and Prevention of the same Institute, will be indispensable for monitoring old and new risk factors for chronic degenerative diseases and, in particular, for the development of cancer. The study will also work in close collaboration with other institutions, organisations and associations to promote the recruitment of volunteers to take part in the study throughout Italy.



To subscribe to the study: You Goody – La ricerca bella e buona