This is a broiler, the most bred chicken in the world.
Does it look like a weak and sick animal?
The mortality rate of broilers worldwide ranges from 20 to 40 deaths per 1000 birds. As in humans, about half of the deaths occur in the neonatal period (in the first week of life).
Do you know the worldwide infant mortality rate? There are about 43 deaths per 1,000 live births. About half of the deaths occur in the so-called neonatal period, between birth and the 28th day of life ( ).
Descended from a good family, with a healthy and strong constitution
Generation after generation, the best specimens are continually selected on the basis of around 35 parameters that measure, in a balanced way, not only growth and efficiency, but also the animal’s well-being and health
Used to eating little and well
Balanced feed according to the animal’s age, with about 70 % grain (commonly wheat and maize), the rest being soya, calcium, vitamins and minerals. No additives or preservatives, no antibiotics, no hormones.
Drinks, but not too much, and in any case only clean water
To protect their intestinal health, broilers only drink tap water or at least potable water.
Likes to be treated with every care
Like racehorses, broilers need the best conditions to express their characteristics. Daily control of temperature, ventilation, bedding, light is essential.
Keeps its promise
Billions of these broilers are bred every year to provide mankind with an important source of high-quality, barrier-free, highly digestible and sustainable protein for the planet.
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