Feeding the Planet: where is Italy?

I ask you to be patient and read, because when the things to say are simple but nevertheless numerous and relevant, synthesis is not always possible.


When www.moreaboutchicken. comin collaboration with www.nutriamocidibuonsenso.https://nutriamocidibuonsenso.it ha promoted the round table on November 8, 2024 of which you find the contents in this article https://nutriamocionsenso.it/nutrire-l-planeta-un-new-paradigma-per-the-poultry sector/ did so with the declared intention of stimulating the Italian poultry sector to overcome the aridity of the business objective (which characterizes every productive activity) with a new paradigm that makes motivated and aware all those who work in the poultry sector that their activity can transform the sector into an example of corporate social responsibility as committed to Feed the Planet… If you will, it is a more important and motivating subject.

It would (and remains) an approach that would not only respond definitively to the criticism of environmental activists and anti-poultry farmers, but also reaffirm the role of the poultry industry as a fundamental pillar in global nutrition.


Italy, with its rich culinary tradition and the growing focus on sustainability, can act in this sector to become an international model to follow, Isolating the unaligned farms’ pipelines that damage the reputation of the sector and unduly provide material for information by anti-farm activists who take examples that are not.

Italy can demonstrate and tell how the poultry sector is evolving to meet the nutritional needs of a growing population, without sacrificing the quality or integrity of the production process achieved in 70 years of constant improvement.

However , in Italy the poultry sector does not seem to be sufficiently culturally structured to achieve objectives that elevate and protect its public reputation, choosing to remain anchored in growth models still too tied to typical marketing visions of the “every day for itself” and not to communication of all for one, where “all” is to be understood as the entire sector throughout its supply chain and “one” is the planet populated by billions of people who need healthy food, accessible in terms of both costs and daily availability.


The difference between who believes to be protagonist and who acts instead to show it I intercepted in the news that more below agevolo, little known to the consumer public and maybe even those who should feel motivated to compete to prove to be up to it.


The facts of a few days ago:


“The Spanish government together with the association “Spanish Poultry Meat Interprofessional (AVIANZA)” in the first week of November 2024 was visiting Riyadh to promote the presence of Spanish poultry meat in Saudi Arabia.

The visit was organized in response to the growing demand for Spanish poultry products in the Saudi market and this commercial mission of further study were present some representatives of AVIANZA in accompaniment of the Spanish companies COREN, Grupo Oblanca, URGASA GROUP and Grupo Vall Companys selected width an invitation to tender issued by the interprofessional association. There were meetings and visits to explore opportunities for collaboration with local importers and distributors, with bilateral meetings between the participating Spanish companies and the main players in the Saudi market to explore possible agreements for The import and distribution of Spanish poultry meat. In order for the visiting companies to get an idea of the reality of those markets, the local sales environment and consumption habits, visits were planned to supermarkets and large retailers in Riyadh.

Knowing the needs of Saudi consumers is the only concrete analysis tool to explore opportunities for collaboration and adaptation of poultry products to the local market.

Saudi Arabia has established itself as a strategic market for Spanish poultry meat, driven by growing demand for high-quality food products. According to the AVIANZA studies, the interest of Saudi consumers in Spanish poultry meat has increased in recent years and suggests quite concretely a concrete capacity for growth and penetration of the Spanish poultry sector in this country.

This initiative, which necessarily concerns the commercial development of the Spanish poultry sector in Saudi Arabia, aims to strengthen the competitiveness of the Spanish agri-food sector at international level in order to consolidate Spain’s position as a reference point for food quality on international markets and aims to strengthen the Spanish brand, to highlight its potential in the food and gastronomy sector and generate a positive, globally recognised image.”


And what is the avicola Italy waiting to say?

Why it is so difficult to accept stimuli and proposals from those like www.moreaboutchicken.come www.nutriamocidibuonsenso. thaghas made many steps forward in communication towards the consumer public with statements that defend and support the sector as the same Should the compartment do?

We at www.moreaboutchicken. like www.nutriamocidibuonsenso.it we are and we are obviously open to dialogue, because we know that we can be the voice of the sector that we know we have nothing to hide and we are what the sector lacks: a mediator in the correct information and dialogue between critics of the sector, the consumer and the sector itself, because it is undisputed that consumers are in fact the true employers of the whole supply chain and we know that informed consumers are the best allies in spreading awareness based on correct information.

Transparency is a value that reveals altrie opens up to quality relations with each interlocutor.