The anti-poultry farm activists: had they ever set up a farm as they claim

The issue of poultry farming is a complex topic that provokes heated debates between different groups, including animal rights activists and meat producers. On the one hand, there are legitimate concerns about animal welfare and the environmental impact of intensive farming. On the other, farmers and producers strive to address these concerns by adopting increasingly sustainable practices.


Recently, the Italian poultry industry has made significant progress through the adoption of more disease-resistant chicken breeds, the reorganisation of farms to improve hygienic and sanitary conditions, and the use of probiotics and prebiotics to strengthen the intestinal health of animals. These measures have helped not only to improve the health and welfare of animals, but also to reduce the risk that may have once been posed by resistance to antibiotics, which were once used to prevent disease preventively anyway, and certainly not (as some activists say) to ‘pump’ animals or inflate them. Global public health has always been at the forefront of farmers’ concerns on their farms.


It is important to recognise that, while some activists may not have direct experience in animal husbandry, their efforts to promote more ethical and sustainable practices play a crucial role in prompting positive changes in the industry. At the same time, farmers who adopt innovative and responsible approaches deserve recognition for their efforts in improving livestock farming practices.


Constructive dialogue between all stakeholders is essential to find a balance between food production, animal welfare and environmental sustainability. Only through mutual understanding and collaboration can solutions be achieved that respect both the needs of animals and society.