The poultry industry is facing its challenges with a mix of tradition and innovation that would be the envy of a grandmother’s recipe revisited by a starred chef.
Here is how this industry is evolving to keep up with the times and the needs of an increasingly demanding and aware market.
First of all, the poultry industry is accelerating on technological innovation. We are not talking about robotic chickens (although that would be great), but advanced technologies that monitor the health and welfare of animals with sensors that look like something out of a spy movie. These devices are so sophisticated that they probably even know when a chicken is going to cross the road and why.
Then there is the digitisation of production processes, which is turning farms into real high-tech laboratories. Where farmers used to use diaries and abacuses, now they have cameras, computers, dashboards and apps that do all the tedious work with more precision and speed, leaving more time for the important things.
But it doesn’t end there! The poultry industry has not only modernised its methods, it has also taken off into new international markets. Every European country is able to export poultry products to other countries that lack them according to a model of potential mutual aid exchange.
In conclusion, the poultry industry is facing its challenges with an approach that is a perfect mix between the wisdom of an old farmer and the enthusiasm of a startupper in Silicon Valley. And while we enjoy a nice plate of roast chicken or a fluffy omelette, we can be sure that innovation and quality are behind it.
Let’s stand by all those who work to bring the best of the poultry world to our tables!
The editorial staff of M.A.C.