FAO scheme

The world is hungry. FAO talks about it

In this period (2023) there are various forms of economic, social, environmental issues that make us feel the urgency of finding solutions at international levels, capable of responding in a balanced and sustainable way to the basic needs of the inhabitants of our Planet and the Planet itself.

Everything is connected, and finding balanced and responsible solutions at the global level is the task of those who have a broad vision and are also committed to science to ensure an adequate response to the demand for food of billions of people. It is no coincidence that conferences and scientific meetings of all major players in the staple food production system are being held around the World. Among these actors it is certainly the “F.A.O. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations” ( http://www.fao.org/home/en ) that has a role in concentrating the most relevant and impactful issues and initiatives in the world. The authority of this organization makes it possible to read reliable guidance into its considerations.

M.A.C. suggests in this regard to take the proper time to read the articles you find in the 3 links listed below:

  1. The link below takes you to an interview with the Director of FAO’s Animal Production and Health Division, Thanawat Tiensin, to learn more about sustainable livestock practices:
  2. This other link introduces the topic of engaging youth in understanding and engaging with key priorities and challenges to identify innovative and actionable solutions for any sustainable transformation:
  3. At this link you can see summarized what F.A.O.’s crucial points of engagement are:

The editorial staff of M.A.C.