From M.A.C. comes

M.A.C. – More About Chicken was born thanks to the commitment, initiatives, collaborations and personal resources of its founder (Pietro Greppi) and does not receive funding to publish the content that you find online.

However, funding is necessary for any activity: we need it to allow us to continue to publish, update and do timely research and we are the first to disseminate anti-fake content, meaning by this we speak to consumers disoriented by the claims of anti-farming activists.

This is why the founder of M.A.C. decided to develop a satellite site

aimed at the Italian public, believing that Italy is among the most organised and committed countries in the defence of the protections put in place by the sector and that, willingly or unwillingly, it has become an authoritative reference point in Europe, certainly not in terms of quantity, but certainly for the quality of the processes of protection of animal welfare and consumer health.

For this reason, the contents of will also be able to host, for a fee, articles from companies in the poultry sector that wish to make known some relevant aspects of their commitment to animal welfare, consumer health and any other theme that is consistent with the objectives of the blog common to those of M.A.C.

Each article that will generate a financial contribution will be indicated in a transparent manner.

Please spread it to whoever you believe.

This message is in fact an invitation to follow and be followed by  and , stimulating your personal and professional network to find in these blogs the answers to the false information that the anti-poultry farming activists have been producing for some time now, generating fear and perplexity in consumers who are the main employer of the entire industry chain.

“M.A.C. (More About Chicken)’ and ‘Nutriamocidibuonsenso’ act to protect the reputation of the sector and of each company in the supply chain, both national and international, starting with those who are the main generator of this supply chain, also acting to protect the consumer who can thus find correct information and at least reflect on the information that reaches him by having terms of comparison and, in our case, a source to turn to for even more articulate answers.

In essence, M.A.C. and ‘Nutriamocidibuonsenso’ act as guardians of the poultry industry’s reputation and as a source of unconditioned information. Disseminating M.A.C. and ‘Nutriamocidibuonsenso’ thus contributes to providing useful information to the consuming public in particular.

For answers to impromptu questions we have provided the form you will find at


Pietro Greppi

Founder of More About Chicken (M.A.C.) An international voluntary organisation

M.A.C. – The myths, the lies, the truths and more about chicken