M.A.C. is dedicated to finding and disseminating information on poultry farms and what revolves around them with the aim of protecting the poultry system from the effects of the various widespread fakes.
Poultry farms are, however, only one of the many breeding and farming activities that human beings constantly develop in order to provide all of humanity with the answer to the most frequent question that every human being asks himself every day:
“What we eat today?”
The answer to this question is not so easy to give when it comes to providing it to 8 billion individuals scattered all over the world with different cultures, environmental situations, economic conditions, etc.
One thing is certain: farming animals and ensuring their welfare – and that of consumers – and the sustainability of farming procedures, requires constant commitment, seriousness and competence to improve and optimise both environmental impact and productivity.
Breeding and farming are long-term commitments that cannot be improvised. Understanding this type of activity is only possible by learning about these enterprises that are only apparently simple farming areas. In fact, they are extremely complex systems that make it possible to guarantee consumers a quality, safe, constant, economical food supply.
Our editorial staff collects and verifies a lot of information and among them we provide a particularly detailed and authoritative one that you can find at this link, which we recommend you read to better understand what poultry farming means for food safety:
“AvendanoEtAl17Poultry beyond 2023Avendanoetal_FINAL NZ”
The editorial staff of M.A.C.