One would have to answer “what more should be done and in what direction?”. Associations invest energy in obtaining laws imposing breeding methods that run counter to the very ideals that generate them (e.g. slow growth vs. broiler). The poultry sector seems to act with responsibility and awareness. Breeding is challenging and requires knowledge, relations with the scientific world and the poultry system in general. This is because it is necessary to apply the fruits of research to obtain the expected results. One does not improvise as a breeder. Moreover, the complexity of the attention to be paid and the commitment required are jeopardised by the interference of associations that try to impose their ideal methods and create conflicts of purpose. If one talks about environmental impact and pushes for slow breeds, it means that one is not clear what one is talking about. The poultry system, by listening to animal rights activists, has also developed slow-growing animals from alternative genetic lines, which are little used due to their lower economic efficiency and therefore higher environmental impact. The specimens of these breeds are very rustic and vital and offer excellent meat quality (similar to those of yesteryear). However, one must be aware that resorting to the use of such animals means having to renounce the achievements made in 70 years of evolution of the poultry system and that this entails, among other things, the inevitable increase in consumer prices because the costs of that type of breeding are much higher.